Being Pregnant Meme

So I’ve been tagged by the lovely ladies over at My Two Mums to do the Being Pregnant Meme created by Trinket of Treasure. Seeing as I am on my 6th Pregnancy with Baby no4, I shall answer the questions about this pregnancy so far…

  • As I am a very curious busy body, please answer the following questions in depth.YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE ANY DETAILS OUT (only joking). But,please do write as much as you want, keeping in mind the joys of life are in the finer details. X
  • Invite three or more women and link them to your blog post. As I don’t know many mothers or pregnant women, I’d appreciateit if you could invite as many mothers/ expecting women you know to participate. But please remember you don’t have to be invited to take part. THE MORE THE MERRIER! x
  • Leave a comment about what you think of this meme and a link to your blog post HERE x
  • For lovelies that have been pregnant more than once, answer the question in regards to your first pregnancy. x


What was your first reaction when you found out that you were/are pregnant and why do you feel you reacted in that way?

SHOCKED! This pregnancy was not planned at all. I had such a horrendous pregnancy with our 3rd child, that although I always wanted 4 children, I had kind of started to accept that we would only ever have 3. It caused a few issue for several weeks between my husband and I as we were both in shock…but we soon became pretty excited about the new addition.

What major changes did/does being pregnant bring to your life?

No real major changes to be honest. Having 3 already, one extra shouldn’t be that difficult….should it? It will however, mean that within the next 12-18mths we will need to sell up and buy a bigger house. Apart from that, not really any changes.

What did/do you like or enjoy about being pregnant the most?

It has to be the moment you feel or see your baby kick inside you. It’s hard to describe the feeling when you first feel it move. I love watching him squirm away inside…and often poke him just so I can see him move!

What did /do you dislike the most about being pregnant?

Morning sickness, SPD, and general tiredness. Other than that I actually feel pretty good and often forget I am pregnant 🙂

What are your overall thoughts and feelings on being pregnant?

I love it. My first pregnancy I really hated, but the pregnancies following have been great (yes, even despite the complications we had with our 3rd). I am creating a living thing inside me! How cool is that!!

Now it’s your turn to share x

I Invite:

Emmys Mummy

Born in 2011

I can’t think of a 3rd person to tag….but if you are pregnant or have had children and would like to do this meme, please tag back to me xx

My Music Therapy

I have been tagged by the lovely Jenny over at Mummy Mishaps to join in with the latest Meme started by MammyWoo.

The Meme is simple, if you would like to join in:

Select 3 Songs by 3 different artists and 3 sets of lyrics that touch you in some way.

Its really hard to choose a specific set of lyrics. We listen to a lot of music in this house by so many different artists, that sometimes its hard to select just 3 artists….but I’m willing to give it a shot!!

1. Anastacia “I Dreamed You” – This was our First Dance after we were married. It sums up exactly how we both felt from the first time we met (although we didn’t actually get together until over a year later). Anastacia was also the first Concert that we ever went to together.

“It’s hard to explain
but when you know you know
I was so amazed by you
you had me and: ‘hello’
I need you in my heart
my body, mind and soul”
2.Jessie J “Who’s Laughing Now” – There are a few of the verses that I want to pick from this song. I was bullied through my schooling, so know how tough it can be. I love how Jessie J has turned this round and has shown the bullies for what they are! Bullying is a form of jealousy and cowardliness and I love that such a prominent person in the limelight is bringing this issue to our attention and letting everyone know who is being bullied that YOU CAN BE SOMEONE!

“Mummy they call me names
They wouldn’t let me play
I’d run home, sit and cry almost everyday
‘Hey Jessica, you look like an alien
With green skin you don’t fit in this playpen’
Well they pull my hair
They took away my chair
I keep it in and pretend that I didn’t care
‘Hey Jessica, you’re so funny
You’ve got teeth just like Bugs bunny’
Oh, so you think you know me now
Have you forgotten how
You would make me feel
When you drag my spirit down
But thank you for the pain
It made me raise my game
And I’m still rising, I’m still rising

So make your jokes
Go for broke
Blow your smoke
You’re not alone
But who’s laughing now
But who’s laughing now
So raise the bar
Hit me hard
Play your cards
Be a star
But who’s laughing now”
3.  Nat King Cole “Unforgettable” – I’ve chosen this song because I cannot listen to it without it making me cry. It is the song that was played and my Nan’s funeral as her coffin was walked out of the church on the way to her burial. My nan was a lovely woman and simply is Unforgettable.

That’s what you are,
Tho’ near or far.
Like a song of love that clings to me,
How the thought of you does things to me.
Never before
Has someone been more…

In every way,
And forever more
That’s how you’ll stay.
That’s why, darling, it’s incredible
That someone so unforgettable
Thinks that I am
Unforgettable, too.
In every way,
And forever more
That’s how you’ll stay.
That’s why, darling, it’s incredible
That someone so unforgettable
Thinks that I am
Unforgettable, too.”

There you are, my 3 songs by 3 different artists and 3 sets of lyrics that mean different things to me.

I am meant to ‘tag’ people to complete this, but I know there are a lot out there already…so I will just leave it open! If you fancy having a go, if you could link back to me that would be great!!


A to Z of Me

So, there’s a new Meme doing the rounds, and I was tagged by Blending Time in his post….so here’s mine…

ANORAK…Do you have a sad side?

Erm… I wouldn’t say that I do. I used to collect keyrings….still love them and magnets too 🙂

BODY…What physical attribute would you most like to change?

How long have you got? Obviously being a mum to 3, my body has chaged over the past few years. I gained nearly 4st in weight with my first pregnancy and have never got back to that pre-pregnancy state. I would like smaller thighs and stomach.

CELEBRITY…Which one would you most like to date and why?

Gosh, there are so many drop dead gorgeous celebs out there, who wouldn’t want to date any of them. If I had to choose it would be either Gerard Butler or Vin Diesel. Why? Why not!! They’re great actors and not bad looking either!

DEBUT …Tell us about your first ever blog post. What made you start blogging?

My first ever blog post was just a few months ago on the 23rd June, 2011. Tis I Here was my first post and explains why I started blogging. I’ve had a crap time in my short life, and hopefully someone out there can relate to it. I also just like to write 🙂

ERROR …What’s been your biggest regret?

Easy….I regret screwing up my education! I made a big mistake in my final year of High School of letting my low life ex-boyfriend kick me whilst I was down and it got to me. It got to me so much, I left for 6 months and returned just before I took my GCSE’s. I then went straight to full time work rather than go to college. I then went from job to job before having children.

FUNNY – who’s making you laugh?

My husband tells me to get a sense of humour (apparently I don’t have one!). Comedian wise, my favourites are: Micky Flanagan, Lee Mack and the legend that is Lee Evans

GRAND…If we gave you one right now what would you spend it on?

I would probably end up treating the husband and children. If we could get a babysitter for a weekend (highly unlikely!!), then I would probably treat hubby to a weekend away at a luxury spa! We haven’t spent time alone together for years!!

HOLIDAY… What’s your favourite destination?

It’s got to be Florida!! We love it there.

IRRITATE… What’s your most annoying habit?

I don’t think I have one..but my hubby disagree’s 🙂 Apparently, my most annoying habit is: Leaving the clean washing folded on the bed, instead of putting it away straight away (it tends to still be on the bed when we go up then I put it all away lol)….oh and saying “I was going to do that in a minute”

JOKER…Whats your favourite joke {the one that makes you laugh everytime you hear it}?

I’m rubbish at jokes. My favourite ones have to be the “Little Billy” jokes though. Here’s one:


A teacher asks her class, “If there are 5 birds sitting on a fence and you shoot one of them, how many will be left?” She calls on little Billy. He replies, “None, they will all fly away with the first unshot.”
The teacher replies, “The correct answer is 4, but I like your thinking.”

Then little Billy says, “I have a question for YOU. There are 3 women sitting on a bench having ice cream: One is delicately licking the sides of the triple scoop of ice cream. The second is gobbling down the top and sucking the cone. The third is biting off the top of the ice cream. Which one is married?”

The teacher, blushing a great deal, replies, “Well, I suppose the one that’s gobbled down the top and sucked the cone.” To which Little Billy replied, “The correct answer is ‘the one with the wedding ring on’, but I like your thinking.”

KENNEL… Do you have any pets?

We have one guinea pig called Peppa. Peppa did have a brother George, who sadly passed away at the beginning of the year.

LOVE…Are you single, married, engaged, living with a long term partner?

Married to my Left Half … Married in May 2008, but have been together since December 2002.

MEAL… Whats your ultimate starter, main and dessert?

It’s gotta be Garlic Doughballs, followed by Pepperoni Pizza and finished with a warm Chocolate Brownie with Vanilla Ice Cream and Chocolate sauce!! Mmmmm

NOW…If you could be anywhere right now where would you be and who with?

I would be in Florida with our family 🙂

OFF DUTY…What do you do in your spare time?

Being a SAHM to 3 children, youngest being 11 months old…I don’t have spare time!!

PROUD MOMENTS …What are you most proud of?

Cliche and cheesy….but giving birth to my children 🙂

QUEASY …What turns your stomach?

Rollercoasters! I used to love them but now they make my stomach churn!

RELAX…How do you relax?

Relax? What’s that?? I’m lucky if I can have a peaceful 10 mins in the bath without someone wanting to use to the toilet, or baby needing feeding.

SONG…Whats your favourite song of all time?

Gosh, so hard as I have a few favourite songs. I love “Stand By Me” by Ben E King “End of the Road” by Boys II Men….BUT my all time favourite has to be the song we chose for our First Dance when we got married – Anastacia – I Dreamed You

TIME …If you could go back in time and relive it again, when would you choose?

I would go back to my teens and change some of the silly things I did, and I would spend more time with my grandparents.

UNKNOWN…Tell us something about yourself that no one else knows?

My husband knows everything about me….but not a lot of people know that at 15 I worked selling balloons at a major British Theme Park….I would walk around with over 100 helium balloons…yup, I was one of those who parents can’t stand as their kids look in awe and the magnificent display begging for an overpriced balloon.

VOCAL…. Who is your favourite artist?

I’m really liking Adele and Jessie J at the moment. I have quite a few artists that I enjoy listening to.

WORK….. What is your dream job, and are you doing it now?

I’d like to work for myself. I’m a bit of a sweet/chocoholic and sometimes crave it but can’t be bothered to leave the house for it….I wish that there was a Chocolate Shop that delivered…or perhaps I’d buy an old Ice Cream Van and convert it to a mobile sweet shop??

XRAY…Any broken bones?

No, luckily…although I have badly sprained both my ankles (make it hard for me to run lol).

YIKES…What’s been your most embarrassing moment?

Erm, you kinda lose all dignity when you have kids to not that much is embaressing. Probably the time I was sick (like projectile) into an M&S bag at a bus stop when I was about 14/15yrs old

ZOO…. If you were an animal, which one would you be?

Probably a cat….so I can laze around all day lol.

So, there is my A-Z and I am now going to tag 5 fellow bloggers! You can get a blank template from Here… I apologise if you have already done this: